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Business of The Month

Featured member

  • Membership Benefits

  • Monthly Leads Breakfast
    Starts at 8am on the second Wednesday of every month. Participants get one minute to self-promote; usually ends at 9. Cost is $10; location varies and is announced in the newsletter and in the online calendar.
  • Directory Listings
    Members are listed in the online directory within a day or two of joining. Each member has a page on the GCCC website to put their “spotlight” information and/or photos. The Annual Directory & Buyers’ Guide is published in February; members are listed alphabetically and by category.
  • Annual Business Person and Citizen of the Year Dinner
    The membership nominates the two recipients who are recognized for their contributions to the community.
  • Annual Chili Cookoff
    Usually held in January, participants may enter a crockpot of their favorite chili recipe. Winners are named by popular vote. A very well attended event!
  • Annual Christmas Luncheon
    Held in December, a festive networking luncheon, with entertainment by the West Genesee Schools Music Department.
  • Annual Golf Tournament
    Usually held in September, a nine hole Captain & Crew that includes dinner. Prizes awarded for the top team, and closest to the pin men's and women.
  • Business of the Month Award
    Members nominate outstanding member businesses who are recognized by displaying the GCCC A-frame sign in front of their business for the month.
  • Reciprocal Chamber Membership
    We have a reciprocal membership agreement with other local Chambers that allows you to attend other Chambers events to network.
  • After-Hours Networking
    Members may showcase their business by providing refreshments for tho
    se who attend.

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